Choosing the right wax for the weather conditions should be straightforward. If you're new to waxing, you can start with the Fast Wax method. Check the weather forecast for the day of your event, focusing on the temperature and relative humidity. Based on the humidity, you can decide whether to use a wax with Fluorocarbons. You can also consider your budget in making this decision. Refer to the charts on the next page to see if the relative humidity falls within the recommended range for a Fluorocarbon wax. Once you've determined the wax line to use, consider the temperature ranges within that line to select the specific wax. This is a basic approach to waxing, but everyone has to start somewhere. As you gain more experience, you can take additional factors into account when choosing your waxes.

Fast Wax products are named with a number, which is crucial as it represents the approximate mid-temperature in the product's temperature range. By adding and subtracting 10 to this number, one can calculate the approximate temperature range ideal for the wax. For instance, HS 20 has a temperature range of 12 to 28. By adding and subtracting 10 from 20, we get 10 and 30, which closely aligns with the ideal temperature range.